Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Growing up in a small town part 1

So as the title implies, this will be a multi-post rant about growing up in a small town.

So this first segment will be about teen pregnancy. Its common in a small town....and its kind of scary when you really think about statistics behind it. I live in Renfrew County....the apparent Teenage Pregnancy Capital of Canada....FTW..... anyways. I am totally cool with pregnancy when it is planned and you can support a child...but in most cases that is not the scenario. Now, in Pembroke, where i grew up, there are four elementary schools, three public and one catholic. The school I went to was seen as the Ghetto school...and i must admit it was kinda sketchy. We had locker searches for drugs in like grade 5....and fights like everyday...even me...a puny little non-physical kid almost got in a fight once or twice. So it really doesn't come as a surprise that our elementary school produced the most teen mothers in later years....and a fair number of high school  dropouts. I know that some of you are saying that it wasn't their plan to get preggo....but in some cases it was.  I heard on TV that now teenage girls are making pregnancy all get preggers at the same time! what happened to university pacts? or just plain old friendship pacts?  It kind of disturbs me but also fills me with pride in myself to see that I made it out in a sense. I graduated.... not pregnant thank you...and am going into second year university. i beat the small town vortex...

That being said....i just am not ready to be a mother. some teenage women are ready and i say kudos to you. and i hope all the teenage mothers, either through planned or unplanned pregnancies, have wonderful happy lives with healthy and happy children.

XOXO Becca