Hey blog-followers...if there are any of you left. I am writing this short post to apologize for my lack of motivation to write here more often for you lovely people. It is the summer, and i have been busy but i haven't written a word since June....and i am frankly ashamed of myself. So to make up for my lack of good blog-hostessing (i dunno) i will share with you dreadfully awful poems i wrote a few years ago...go a head and laugh all you want. I deserve it after leaving you hanging for two months. I promise to try to write more often once I'm back at school and come up with witty posts and fun things like my Lady Gaga and Vampires posts---those are my favourites. (ps i know that sounds horrible. i have more time to blog when I'm in school...shouldn't i be studying or something more productive?) So please forgive me and here are the poems for your literary pleasure (or horror).
"Why Waste Time"
Why is life a constant battle?
When everyone knows that we can’t win.
We all end up in the same place, depending on our sins.
We are all so busy,
But where do we have to go?
When all we really end up,
Is buried beneath the snow.
Live life to the fullest,
Because you never know when its gone,
Look for angles among us,
Because they’re there,
Whether a friend, or someone you have never met.
Take time to appreciate things,
Tell those you love that you care.
Because you might not have the chance again,
And it’s something you should share.
Love Poem?
the monster bears its teeth,
my throat dries up like a husk,
it lunges and bites,
breaks the thread of hope i was holding on to
now i free fall....