Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reading week

Hey readers!

So i apologize for not posting in more than a week....a major fail on my part. but in my defence i did not have access to internet for days. my family and i went to Montreal for a little trip....really because my brother had a hockey tournament but i'll lie and say it was just for the hell of it.

A point to note is that my immediate family is obsesssed with HOCKEY! my brother is a goalie, and is playing for a competitive team. This was even hard fought bc he didn't make the team in the city we live now he plays for a team from another city...Renfrew. The people are great but this means that its about an hours drive even for a practice....which is kinda a pain in the ass. but thankfully im away at school and only have to drive him on the occasion that i'm home.  OUr dinner table talk usually consists of hockey and the tv is mostly on sports channels....and the worst part is Im not a huge hockey fan! i know...totally un-canadian but its true. I like the game in short bursts...but this constant overload has probably turned me off of it.

ANYWAYS, im kinda tired right now, and i apologize for my hockey rant. I hope you are not expecting a particularly witty or funny blog post bc you will be sadly mistaken.

Reading week should be renamed. It should be called..."intend to do homework week" i totally had the intent to work hard on all my four essays that are coming due soon....but as it is thursday and i have not even looked at a book, or read what is expected of me out of my essays....i say that i failed majorly.  and i am sure that i am not the only student that is in this situation. a week isn't long enough. we need at least two. one week for social purposes, and the other for homework...not divided up like that but you know what i mean...we need 14 days. and the need for catching up on sleep is present too....which i have not done either. i have to learn to go to bed at a reasonable hour. 3 am is not cutting it...especially when i promise my brother i will drive him to school for 9:00 am....fml sometimes. also i caught up on the episodes of Dexter i missed, and if you don't watch that it...and if u aren't a fan....don't talk to me! ohhhh and to gross people out my toenail of my big toe on my left foot is going to fall off...thanks to my little brother
"accidentally" bending the nail bled...and was gross...and is sore as hell right now. a few friends are having a hard time right now, which doesn't make reading week good for them either, which makes me sad.

pretty much what i am trying to that i apprecite the break...but not the bull that goes along with it.

sorry for my rantingness....that you probably don't understand. and i wouldn't blame you if you don't read enough to actually get to this apology. But i promise to you faithful readers that do read the whole thing, that next time my post will be back to my funny/sarcastic self. and i'll try to make it my best.

Hope your reading week is going well

1 comment:

  1. I concur with most everything you just said. Hockey, intent on doing homework, lack of time. All of it.

    Apology accepted though :P
