Thursday, March 24, 2011

Long overdue

    After having a heart to heart with my friends about my blog this morning, Bill motivated me to post again, and stop my writing hiatus. Really i could use the excuse that i was busy but that isn't really true. I found time to watch TV and do other things so i'll get right to the issue of sorts. i didn't post because i didn't feel like i was letting anyone down by not posting. i checked my stats earlier in the week and this justified my hiatus, as my newest posts hadn't gotten any views, and now they have had one thank you to that one viewer of my blog. Anyways, I'm choosing to keep writing because i didn't start this blog to make friends, but to get my thoughts out and perhaps be able to look at my issues in a different light. So be prepared, if you still choose to read on occasion. Welcome to my blog....MY BLOG!

I'm tired, tired of trying to please people and working my ass off towards it and getting nothing in return. What is really bothering me at the moment is my so called "friends" from back home. were they really friends? That is what my mind has been turning over and over. When i came to university, I expected to keep in close contact to most of them but despite my herculian effort at the begining of the year....most of which has stopped, no one cared enough to return my effort. I wasn't asking a lot, just that if say i sent you a text, text back, or if i wrote you on facebook, write back...I really don't think i was asking too much. Now, i should clarify, that some of the people keep in contact with me as much as they can, and I am soo happy that they return my effort. Friendship is best maintaned when both parties put the effort in.  And I am surprised by the people that do keep in contact. When i left Pembroke last summer i figured that some people wouldn't keep in contact, because we were not that close, and our friendship would slowly fizzle away and die....but it was those people who choose not to let it die. Unlike people i considered myself close to, these people gave a shit about my life and thought maintaining our friendsthip was worthwhile.

This summer will be interesting. I choose not to pretend to be friends with people that don't really give a rats ass about me, and instead choose to spend my precious time with people who care.

So for any fake friends that may read this in the future...



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